Sunday, August 15, 2004

Cheney is not a Republican.

Cheney on the news again. Cringe, cringe.

I don't believe that the American public is stupid. I really don't.

But why any Republican in her or her right mind would vote for someone like Dick Cheney is beyond me. The man is arguably criminal, definitively foul-mouthed, clearly unsupportive of everyday people, and operates in a space that is wholly antithetical to good-hearted, intelligent, and well-meaning folks like, say, Bob Dole.

Bush is a non-issue. He doesn't really think enough on his own to be discussed, from a political standpoint. He seems nice enough. I'd have him to my house for dinner.

But Cheney... oh, lordy. this man requires people to sign an oath of allegiance before being allowed into his campaign speeches. What the hell? ICK ICK ICK!

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