Wednesday, September 08, 2004


I should be in bed. Sleeping. I have to get up at 5:15am, as usual... and I've done my run for the night. I'm starting to worry that my knees are going to give out before I actually make it to Chicago.

I'm having these brief flashes of: Why the hell weren't you this healthy when you were 24? The answer, I guess, is because I didn't have to be. Playing rock and roll, smoking too many cigarettes, maintaining a diet of exlusively Doritos and Coke... this was totally doable, back then.

Nowadays, I have to eat right just to keep up with the nuances of my oldest son's conversations.

Love you all. 'Night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am awake also... I am 24, not so healthy either... do you know who I am