Sunday, October 24, 2004

Luke 18:9-14

Jesus loves a sinner, my friends.

It's all we can do to find a few people who have opinions we trust, and then do our best to listen to advice well given. I'm fortunate to have a few people in my life who are a little farther along than I am, and who are wiling to tell me where they think I'm going wrong. And right.

The car in front of us had a big sign in the windshield: "Kerry approves of killing babies." I mean: even if you're anti-choice, what a stupid, stupid way to try and make your point. I'd posit that the only candidate out there who is actively killing people (men, women and children alike) is our President, with his stupid and personal war.

So, seeing this sign, especially parked in front of church, and especially when Jesus himself preached love for those with whom you disagree... welll... It took everything I had not to slash his tires, and affix the extra Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers I have in the van to his front windshield.

You see, I'm a sinner, too. But I'm working on it.

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