Thursday, November 25, 2004

You'd think it mattered.

It sounds good: Athlon 3000+ XP-M, 512MBs of RAM, 15.4" widescreen monitor.

Just one problem: it runs Windows.

I ebayed my PowerBook, thinking I would switch to Windows to gain access to better CRM software. So I got a decent price for it, certainly more than this notebook cost. And I figured I'd learn to like Windows.

The problem is: Windows SUCKS. Forgetting that I've had two bluescreens (I thought those were gone in XP?) that restarted my computer spontaneously.... it's SLOW, it's CLUNKY, it interrupts me all the time, and AAAAAH!

So I'm ebaying the notebook, and buying an iBook until the Freescale/G5 powerbooks come out.

I can't BELIEVE that 95% of the country uses this crappy operating system!

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