Saturday, January 22, 2005


I just found my Macworld Expo pass from 1998. I put down my title as "Technical Dog." Considering the name of my current company, that's pretty funny.

It's going to snow tonight. It might be a lot (In Westchester, NY terms, at least.) So we've stocked up on supplies, put out the lights and matches and candles, and have moved a good deal of firewood into the mud room. The power often goes out during the first "big" storm of the season, since everything that's going to break or collapse hasn't yet done so.

The puppy just came to my window, peeked in, and ran off. My home office is partially underground, so the big windows are at ground level. That was very cute.

Maggie and I were talking about adopting a fourth child, today. It's a daunting and ultimately beautiful possibliity, but one that I think I'm too afraid to undertake.

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