Friday, July 14, 2006

Rational? Huh?

I have kickass machines at home that I never have time to use.

Take my G5. It's a kickin' 2.3Ghz dual-processor machine with monster drives (totalling about over a terabyte of space) and many gigs of RAM. It faces the world with a Dell 24-inch flat-panel display.

Mostly, it's used to play Marble Blast with my kids.

So I finally decided to face the technological reality that it's better for my server at work to be the G5, and the computer at home to be a Mac Mini (instead of the other way around) and that the 24-inch monitor would be put to best use at my desk. Not at in home office that I don't use enough.

I got home from work 10 minutes ago. I set up the G5 with a mirrored raid, wrote all kinds of backup scripts (offsite and onsite), and basically tweaked the crap out of everything. It took me all day, and most of the night. I'm having a pasta-n-butter dinner tomorrow, before the 5-mile Dash and Splash race in Central park. Gotta get up early.

Whoa: rational application of technology, for the first time in 37 years. And I don't think the kids noticed that they played Marble Blast on a mini, vs. a G5.

No worries, though. I'm sure once the quad-core xeon Macs come out, I'll be getting one.

Love to all. Even you, the bus driver who parked in the only passable lane on University place for twenty minutes.


shqipo said...

Wow, what a multi-talented, muscular, athletic stud you are :P

At least u came to your senses - or better yet, to what it's logical to do.

Anonymous said...

There are no words to express how badly I suck at Marble Blast. And there's really no excuse for that, because it's not exactly challenging.

I also suck at Nanosaur. Badly.

Callisto said...

A G5 for Marble Blast, dude?! Ah the dilemmas we face. I loooove my Mac Mini. I also suck badly at Nanosaur.