Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I realized today that if I didn't post something, I was going to take this blog offline. In fact, I had downloaded the whole site for a historical backup, and was ready wipe the whole thing from the ftp site when I decided to take the evening and think it over. I'm pretty sure I'm glad I did.

This has been a truly dark week for me, where personal events latched onto old psychological patterns and spider-webbed my emotional state. I've been frozen. Wrapped up.

Part of me plans to write about it, part of me... not so much. So pardon me in advance if I wind up writing something about sock puppets, just when it seemed I was about to get all deep and shit.

Love to all. Even you, Dad.


Lisa said...

I'm glad you decided to stick around.

Callisto said...

Was wondering...anyway, my best wishes to you.

rennratt said...

I'm VERY glad that you took time to reconsider.

Feel free to write about sock puppets.

Sometimes, avoidance isn't such a bad thing.

We're here for you.

themom said...

I was beginning to worry - so glad you decided to come back. You have an unbelievable support network - just thru this site.

And btw - I am really into sock puppets.

Unknown said...

Sock puppets? I love sock puppets!

Ginamonster said...

GASP! I can make YOU a sock puppet!

hang in there, we're pullin for ya.

Redmaryjane said...

I was missing your blog already.

Hang in there.


Anonymous said...

I'd certainly miss you if you yanked the plug on this thing.

It's all about the 3rd Step. Turn it over my friend. Even Dad.

Tracy Lynn said...

I have had a week that has left me similarly situated, it seems. Try not to let yourself get too cut off from others, because, as all we drunks know, when we are by ourselves, we are in very bad company.

po said...


so glad you came back.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear it's been a tough week. We're here for you, dude. But take care of yourself the way you need to take care.

Hi, yourself, by the way ;)

Rich | Championable said...

Oh. My. God.

I love you people.

Jen aka Evilynmo said...

I am so glad you are back! I was checking everyday and had a feeling some shit was going down. Do what you got to do and know that we love you =)

A. said...

Sure have missed you. Glad you are back. Was a bit worried when you didn't show up for a while there. Don't want to read too much into things, but I'm hoping you can find some peace.

Vinny said...

Dude! The great thing about a blog is, when it's not working, you can put it down, walk away, and come back to it later.

It's not a bike. You don't have to lock it up, or hide it away.

Take all the time that you need. We'll be here no matter when you post, or what you post.

By the way, the REAL money is in rubber dog puppets. "I'm glad all you blog readers are here... for me to poop on!"

Dawn said...

Like everyone else here, I was worried. We'd miss you if you were gone. We missed you this week.

Sock puppets are awesome and if anyone could write about sock puppets and make it engaging and thought-provoking, it's you, my friend.

Do what you have to do, but know that there are a ton of us virtual folk who care about you and want the best for you and your family and who love to hear what you have to say.

I can only speak for myself, but if you ever need to talk...feel free to e-mail.

Anonymous said...

You cannot just vanish into thin air without an email or a phone call or something, OK? Seriously.

(and, didn't you tell me once you find people gigs? what can you do for a graphic designer who is looking for free lance?)

Billy said...

Dude! We are here for you! Whether for a sounding board, advice, a funny jab here and there - we are here for you! Much love to the one who loves us all.