Friday, November 12, 2004

Catholics for birth control!

Look. I can see both sides of the abortion issue. Personally, I'm completely pro choice. And I truly believe that this is the right way to be. But I can see WHY people fee the other way.

(Unlike, say, being Anti-Gay. What the hell is THAT about? Senseless.)

Now, here's what makes me crazy. If you're pro life, why the hell aren't you pro BIRTH CONTROL? And don't give me that temp-taking, rhythm method bullshit. If you believe in ONE way of dodging a pregnancy, why not believe in the RELIABLE one's? You think that God get's mad about condoms, but approves of avoidance. You think God CARES about that?

That's all.

1 comment:

Peter said...

This is my problem, I don't think you can really be Catholic if you disagree with the Pope. The man is the Personal Vicar of Jesus Christ for crying out loud.
Soccer mom's and dads across the U.S. with our education and affluence have outgrown the Catholic Church.