Friday, January 14, 2005

Gay marriage, gay adoption.

Okay. I’m going to say this again. Whoever thinks gay marriage is a bad idea is wrong. There are lots of issues that have two valid sides… or at least two understandable ones… but this NOT one of them. Same with gay couples adopting children.

While the Supreme Court chooses not to hear (and thereby affirms the decision about) a case involving two men not being allowed to adopt a child, thousands of children go parentless and underloved. The timing on this is so sad. As children across Asia suddenly find themselves without homes or families, our highest court does nothing to allow potential adoptees, both home and abroad, to find a family.

What would Jesus do, indeed?

1 comment:

ITS said...

Interesting issue.

I strongly support gay marraige. I just want everybody to be happy.

On the issue of raising children I don't really know how well it would work. It's untested grounds. I don't know if I would be the same man I am now if was raised by two fathers, or two mothers. I think children diserve a healthy balanced dose of motherly and fatherly love. But then again in a highly dysfunctional society, where more than half of the traditional (man-woman) marriages end up in divorce, the children rarely get a healthy balanced dose of motherly and fatherly love.

So, maybe we can set up some testing centers and have gay couples adopt and raise children. And then when the kids reach their thirties, we'll analyze them, and make sure they don't fit the psycho, mass murderer profile. If they test out ok, we should definitely move fo' some legislation change, and take it to the streets.