Sunday, January 09, 2005

Wrestle, wrestle.

"When you are disturbed, no matter what the cause, there is something wrong with you. "

I'm trying to decide how I feel about this one. I could use some help, here.


ITS said...

Very Dr. Philish comment!

I will respectfully disagree. There are a lot of things that could disturb me, and rightfully so, without there being anything wrong with me.

For example somethings that disturb me are bigotry, racism, 52% of the American people, child molesters, financing dirty wars, etc etc. (Not necessarily in that order)

Rich | Championable said...

Right. Agreed. What we have here is a legitimate symantec difference. OH MY GOD. I'm such a GEEK. I meant semantic.

By "bothered," I mean "Keeps you up at night, rolling it over and over in your head." A more stress-related, not concern-related thing.