Most of my clients are fantastic. Some are incompetent-but-nice. Some are mean-but-competent. Some are incompetent but mean. My least favorite, though, are the folks at Grey Interactive Human Resources. Which is sad, because there are many aspects of Grey which are quite awesome, including some of the folks at Grey Interactive proper. But the HR department is the kind I really hate talking to: they know nothing about what they do, and try to cover it up by acting all derisive. Ask them for details on a job, and you either get, "Try to steal someone from XXXXX or who has worked at XXXX" (because they hired someone from XXXX or heard that the Creative Director likes XXXX) or, well, nothing. They don't know technology, design, ANYTHING. I don't understand why they don't stick to HR, and hire a decent creative recruiter, like, say, McCann has. Or a gazillion other companies with decent recruiters on staff. Or like some of the other GREY companies, for pete's sake.
I dunno. It's not like I ever billed Grey Interactive for anything. It's not like I'm losing money. But when the HR department is so poor, it just burns me. I'm a Quality junkie.
End of rant. Back to fatherhood, politics, and parenting.
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