So, apparently if you search Google for "Gay Gorilla," this site comes up in the top 10. What does this say about me, exactly?
Well, as you've probably guessed: I'm pro-gay. What this means is: I think the whole "gay issue" is one of right and wrong. Unlike nearly every other issue I can think of, I absolutely cannot see the other side's point of view. If you think being gay is wrong, bad, evil, etc... then you are on the "wrong" side of the issue. If you believe that being gay gives you as much of a chance of being a wonderful person, a jackass, a doctor, a criminal, as any other person on the planet, well... you're on the "right" side of the issue. Being gay is just being a person. Period. Finito. No discussion.
There is no in between.
Oh: I also own and sometimes wear a really cool gorilla suit. Thus, the "gay gorilla" search results. Although now I'm probably going to index at number one.
And no: I'm not a closeted gay dude. If I WAS gay, I'd be out there, baby! Safely, of course.
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