Friday, April 08, 2005

Phases of Fatherhood.

I just posted on this dude's blog. Seems like a nice guy... he was writing about having his first kid, and how he felt that there were phases of fatherhood.

I left a comment... and thought: Heck, why not post it on my own site? Although I edited it for, like, the gazillion typos I did on his site. Apologies, Mr.

Three phases? :-)

I think there are dozens. My oldest is 8, and I'm hitting about a Fatherhood Phase every few months.

I was talking to a childless friend of mine today... a mutual friend of ours experienced a setback with one of his kids... a condition that's somewhat serious. This guy (the one without kids) said: "Man, that's another reason to skip out on having kids."

I said: "Dude. I think the craziest and most wonderful thing about having kids is how it utterly broadens the depth and breath of human experience. The highs are SO much higher, the lows are SO much lower. SO much joy. SO much worry. It's like the bookshelf of potential just gets SO much wider."

It made sense to me, at least.

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