However, I have the most KICK ASS snow tires, and I was able to dig it out from two feet of snow, and go cruising up and down my street. Just me and the snow plows, baby.
Rock on.
Love to all. Even you, the fearless SUV driver who forgot that ice is totally resistant to 4-wheel drive.
I'm so jealous. I love the snow and we just aren't getting it this year.
If my drive way looked like that, I wouldn't be going to work tomorrow. woot!
Lisa, you did NOT just tell me that you're a geek chick, too. Rock ON.
QUEEN of them, baby! :-)
I've just come back to NY after a decade and a half of Florida weather. I'd have been quite happy to see zero snowfall this season.
That said, I didn't think this so-called "blizzard" was so bad. A lot of the white stuff, and cold, but not the storm fury the forecasts made out.
Last time it snowed like that here in Blighty, I took my (then) car to a car park and raced around doing hand-brake turns into every snow drift in sight. Juvenile I know...but how can it be helped?
It can't! I enter my driveway with a handbranke turn whenever possible (after making darn sure there are no kids around).
Thanks for reminding me why I am happy that I moved from Rochester, NY a year and a half ago. I don't miss that white stuff... Ugh that picture sums everything I hate about winter up.
The first winter I had my car, and this was in Western Mass, there was a storm so bad that when I went to my car in the lot afterwards, I couldn't tell which was mine. I picked the mound with a shape that seemed most similar to mine (though there were a few candidates) and started with the license plate.
I just moved to NYC from CA six months ago, so this is my first winter. I have to say I've been a bit let down by the mildness of the winter so far. All this snow was pretty surreal, and I was a bit pleased by it. (Yeah, I didn't have to shovel any of it, so I have room for fealing good about it). I went outside and look pictures... haha... I am still such a tourist.
It's still snowing here in Nova Scotia, though, oddly enough, here in the Halifax Metro area I don't think we were hit as hard as Washington, DC. Here it's mostly lots of tiny flakes blowing around, with fierce gusts that cause momentary whiteouts, but really not amounting to that much. All show, no substance. We've seen much worse.
With reports of "snow emergencies" and "wicked Nor'easter" from the states, we're seeing "seasonal weather." :)
I love those SUV drivers who fly by you on the highway during a snow storm.
I love even more the chance to laugh at them in a ditch on the side said highway, 10 minutes later.
Wow! I heard you guys got hammered! We escaped this one over here in Vermont but it's coming.
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
I'm on the other side of the world, and it's really showing.... I have a sunburn from my beach foray last sun :o
How ironic is that, eh?
Oh my gosh! It's 70 degrees here in February! Where's my snow?
um...good luck with that.
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