Saturday, April 29, 2006

GarageSale Cam: Live!

Ladies and Gentlemen... the sale is on.

This camera should update every minute or so:

Love to all, even you... whoever tries to out-haggle me.


Rich | Championable said...

Wish us luck!

ITS said...

Good luck, pookie-bear!

Lisa said...

Pookie Bear? "ITS & Rich, sittin' in a tree..."

Looks like a gorgeous day for a garage sale! Hope you rake in some serious cash.

Rich | Championable said...

Pretty wild so far.

Hard negotiators, man! Whoa!

Lisa said...

Okay, I TOTALLY am doing other stuff besides sitting here and watching your garage sale. What kind of loser do you think I am?

Don't answer that.

Bud Dude. There's some stuff thats been there ALL DAY! Maybe you need to slash prices...

Rich | Championable said...

I know, I know. We have.

But the bookcases have sold... they paid for 'em, but are coming back later.

$500+ so far...

We're doing dandy.


shqipo said...

Is this really true?? The super-secret agent-man Championable decided to reveal himself and post a self-portrait?

Rich | Championable said...


Actually, I didn't mean to do that at all.

I forgot to delete the garagecam settings.

Well, there you go. I guess there was a face shot of me for a minute... when I turned on the cam software, it updated again... apologies.

shqipo said...

LMAO! Apologies? You mean, apologies to yourself? You're probably kicking yourself in the foot for that :D But now that I know your face, I'll give it to ConservativeTrail...whatever :P

Rich | Championable said...


My guess, is that ITS would give you my phone number if you asked him.
