Monday, April 24, 2006

I’m down with ADD.

(Yeah you know me.)

After 37 years, someone who is not my friend asked me “Have you ever been tested for ADD?” A LOT of my friends have asked me that. But never a professional. Weird.

I said: “No.”
My therapist said: “Well, let’s.”

Now, this dude isn’t a prescriber, so I’m only going to him for a talking cure. But he works with a nice psychiatrist who’s going to test me for ADD. I don’t know how it’s doing to to turn out, but wouldn’t it be hilarious if I was placed on Ritalin at age 37.

Speaking of ADD: I work better when I’m distracted. I work fabulously on the train. Sometimes I think I should ride the train all day long and work wirelessly. I’d be the king of productivity.

Oh. Something is pissing me off, so I’m going to say it here. After therapy today, I briefly stopped by the house before going to the train station. Maggie asked me how things went. I told her about the ADD appointment. She was like:
"But what about the depression?"
Me: "I’m not sure I’m depressed. How do you think it expresses itself."
Maggie: "Irritiability, short-temperedness."
Me: "In that case, your cool. Our number one topic is 'How not to be a dick at home.'”
Maggie: "Oh, good."
Actually this isn't totally true. "How not to be a dick" is the second topic. "How to deal with the fact that your psychotic father and mother threw away all your shit and moved to California without telling you - after they had a year-long psycho freakout" is number one.

Anyway: the reason this got me mad was because I’m not allowed to ask Maggie anything about certain aspects of her personal life. It’s “none of my business.” Fine. But I don’t understand why she’s so interested in this, then.

Of course, the fact I’ve been sent to therapy for stupid reasons since I was four, and got in trouble if I didn’t tell EVERY DETAIL to my parents... and how if the therapist said “You’re parents are a little off” they would wind up in a legal battle with the therapist… well.. maybe I’m a little sensitive about being asked these things.

Love to all. Even you, the dude with the strange grin.


Jackson said...

In my first weeks of sobriety I was "offered" that diagnosis (ADD), a test, and the possibility of a prescription. I was going to jump for it, because I'd taken one of those pills while I was drunk and 'depressed' , woke up the next morning and was more productive than I'd been in a year.

Interesting thing though. If those drugs have that effect on you, then they'll decide you do NOT have ADD. The drugs are supposed to calm you down if you are actually "hyper".

Anyway, I'm glad I got out of there without yet another drug to cover the symptoms of alcoholic poisoning/drinking/ emo insobriety.

Good post, and I am enjoying reading your scroll. have a good day!

Rich | Championable said...


Good point, and one I'm lucky be aware of. The last thing I need is to be on speed that acts like speed.



Dawn said...

I'm with you regarding therapy being a personal matter. I understand that some things you will talk about have a direct impact on your family and home life. But what you choose to share should be up to you. You shouldn't have to provide a detailed transcript of your therapy sessions.

That's just my take having been there, done that, myself.

Good luck on this journey!

Oh! Also, on the ADD tip, I've read about homeopathic/dietary changes you can make to improve ADD as an alternative to drug therapy. You might want to look into that.