“In a six-month phase III trial, patients treated with Vivitrol (380 mg) and psychosocial support demonstrated a reduction in days of heavy drinking compared with patients treated with placebo and psychosocial support.”My first, admittedly alcoholic reaction: "A reduction in days of heavy drinking? Who the hell wants that? I mean, why drink, then?"
Seriously. I don’t understand the point of this at all. Even if versions are developed which work better than this (which is highly likely), why would you want to get an alcoholic to drink again? Why is this considered a medically appropriate form of treatment?
I hear a lot of people in AA say how they’re glad they got to AA because of how it helps them with the REST of their life... You know? That's certainly the case with me.
Love to all. Even you, Thoughts-Like-Sledgehammer.
It was the subject of much controversy within our AA members when it was fought to keep a methadone clinic out of our city.
Methadone clinic won and our NA and AA members now seem to have more of a reason to get legitimately high. The thought of using the Doctor's as their drug dealers is surely to be rationalized for the person not ready to give up drinking/using.
Thanks for the commentary.
I don't get it either. I spent several years in the bottle after my ex had an affair with a married man and left. It took finding my wife and returning to my faith to get me back to being a functional human being again. I guess there are those who feel taht there is a "quick fix" for the problems which they encounter. I have never found this to be the case. While AA was not my thing, I have a niece who is hevily involved in NA and I believe that it saved her life. Too bad there are those who want an easy way out rather than getting the help which they really need.
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