Thursday, April 27, 2006

The wrong kind of gas.

Four Republican Senators are introducing a bill to give $100 to every citizen for gas. That's, what: 33 gallons of gas... or 2 or three fill-ups. Hmm. I'm not sure that's going to solve the difficulty involved with our dependence on foreign oil.

But that's not what bothers me.

In what I consider to be an underhanded and devious move, embedded in the bill is a provision which will open up a section of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling.

By embedding a provision that Democrats and moderate Republicans MUST vote down, the Republicans turn an empty gesture into someting much worse: a political charade. Clearly, the Republicans aren't interested in helping you afford to fuel your car. Rather, they are forcing the Democrats to vote down the bill so that the Republicans can say: "Look, the Democrats don't want to give you a rebate."

$100 or gas? That's a lot of hot air.

Love to all. Even you, Senator Santorum.


Jackson said...

I enjoy clever politics like that! When it's on my side, I mean. *shrug*

have a good day.

And forget gas prices, we're powerless over that. Now, taxes...

Ginamonster said...

Funny, does it say where theat $100 per person is coming from? because last I heard, there's a little budget issue. OH! it must be from the sale of the oil in the arctic. clever. idiots.

Unknown said...

Actually with my car that would be closer to 4 or 5 fdill ups, and a couple of months drive time on the old gubermint. I have no problem with that. Brilliant idea.

Rich | Championable said...

Ginamonster - excellent point.

J - I think Ginamonster's point addresses your point pretty well. Besides, they aren't offering a rebate... they are offering a rebate only with arctic drilling.

ozymandiaz said...

You mean there is something that goes on on capitol hill that ISN'T a politcal charade?

ITS said...

I want back my 40 acres and a mule, instead of the 100 dollars.

Hank Ortuno said...

I"m a conservative Republican, but the GOP $100 rebate is the dumbest thing I've heard since gas was $1.29/gal.
What needs to happen is Dems and Repubs need to put out a plan that makes sense. Something that will reduce our dependency on foreign oil.

Al said...

Dude, we're on another one of those synchronicity trips again...

Damn, too bad we're on opposite coasts. You'd be a great running partner!