Sunday, July 23, 2006

Anti-Choice Hypocrisy.

"The truth hurts," the lady says, referring to a sign on a woman's car that says "John Kerry Approves of Killing Babies!!!!!" The truth hurts.

No, it doesn't.

What she doesn't realize is that she supports abortion wholeheartedly. In fact, she is doing a great deal to grow the number of abortions at the most rapid pace possible. I don't know a single pro-choice person who wants to do anything but make abortion a rarity (via education, contraception, etc). But this woman, she's doing her best to make sure that abortion remains tragically frequent.

This woman, you see, is anti-contraception. Thus, she's making sure that lots and lots of conceptions occur that are destined for abortion.

"Wrong," she might say. "Adoption! Adoption!" Yeah, right. I'm sure she's going to monitor and the nutritional input of the woman she is forcing to remain pregnant. I'm sure she's going to enforce this diet, lack of smoking, drinking, and drugs. And I'm sure she's going to pay for maternity clothing, housing, and lost work time. And I'm sure she's going to fund the life of the child that results from forcing a completely undeveloped, unable-to-feel-pain, brainless zygote through term.

"Wrong," she says. "Abstinence! Abstinence!" Well... no. There's not a chance on earth that abstinence will ever be the answer. This is historical fact. And besides, grownups having safe, mutually respectful, recreational sex is certainly on my moral "No-Problem List."

Oh, and since she won't fund international medical programs that include abortion in their broad suite of otherwise-missing services, she's going both to fund the lives of all the people whose lives she destroys, and attend the funerals of all the people she killed by withdrawing their medical care.

Actually, she's right. The truth hurts. Or rather, it should. But my sense is that it doesn't bother her at all.

Love to all. Even you, the people who do so much damage, thinking they are doing the will of God.


Christi said...

I have a saying that some people are so worried about everybody elses salvation that they fail to notice they are paving their own way straight to hell.

CG - I am having trouble typing today - grrr.

p.s. off topic: I want to know how the nike + itunes thingy worked.

Rich | Championable said...

The Nike+ thing was interesting... I'll write it up.

Anonymous said...

phew-what a post. I can't do anything but agree with you on this subject.

I've said for many, many years, that having the CHOICE is what saved me from years of anguish. I did not CHOOSE to have an abortion, way back when. But I had the opportunity and the right to make the choice that I did make, and the availability of that choice is what made the consequences of my choice bearable.

And, on the flip side, many years later, the fact that I still had the choice to do the opposite, even when it would have made more "sense" for me to have a child, the fact that I was able to make that choice, rather than having it dictated to me, makes what I chose bearable.

None of it IS truly bearable. All of it stays with me forever, yes. It does.

But I had the right to make the choices that I did. And I am the only one responsible and accountable.

Not God. Not the government. Me.

Anonymous said...

Huh. Then don't be a Catholic. Why be something you're not?

Contraceptives, at least most, are abortificants. Educate thyself. Read an insert that comes in a pill pack or an injection that comes from a doctor (who takes an oath that they won't KILL anyone)...silly boy, it says so RIGHT ON THE PACKAGE. "If taken post-implantation (how can you know?), then the pill/injection ingested/given will cause a breakaway from the "womb" wall".

Just educate yourself, Rich. That's all I'm asking. Kerry needs to, too! Both in Catholicism, and in killing babies(our future generations).

Rich | Championable said...

Huh. All because Jesus created an Apostolic Church, that doesn't mean that exceedingly fallible men got it right.

Are you actually saying the Popes really have been infallible throughout time, including when there were multiple Popes excommunicating each other, or leading genocides, or turning a blind eye to the Holocaust?

Why did the Vatican FORMALLY AND OFFICIALLY apologize for not helping stop the slaughter during WWII? The Pope was infallible, of course, so how can the Church admit to doing such horrible wrong such a short time ago?

Your blind faith in fallible men is shameful to God AND Christ, Tricia. I think you ought to read the Gospels, and see how fallible The Twelve really were.

When you're done with that, educate yourself on condoms. What the heck do condoms have to do with post-conception disruption?

By your logic, you must get VERY upset at nocturnal emissions... that's like, what, 100 million little half-abortions? Are you going to start up an anti-Wet Dream crusade? Or is a wet dream not an abortion? Is that because there's no sex? Or because there's no conception? If because there's no conception, then what's your problem with condoms?

Seriously, Tricia: What is your objection to condoms? Why does Catholicism support other methods of avoiding pregnancy that include sex, but not using a barrier method?

What, exactly, is the logic here?

Oh, Tricia: you place yourself above St. Paul. Shame on you for that.

But worse, you blindly trust the entire history of fallible, and sometimes criminal men.

Me? I love the sinner, and I love the Church in spite of its flaws.

You say I'm not Catholic.

I say, people who blindly follow fallible men without questioning or thinking, are not true Christians, born of a Jewish Christ, following the Spirit.

I believe that the Catholic Church is THE Apostolic Church. I am highly imperfect, and I am truly a sinner (Lord knows), but I do my best.

Do you? I don't think so. I think you do OTHER people's best, however flawed that is.

shqipo said...

Where can I sign up for that anti-wet dream crusade?

Callisto said...

Very well said.

Angela Belt-Newcom said...

I have been off the pill for a few years (don't need it anymore), but after years of taking them ... I remember plainly having to have a pelvic exam and a pregnancy test to make sure I wasn't pregnant before starting birth control. They also have you wait until the Sunday after you start your menstrual cycle as well just to be on the safe side. While, I agree with your commenter that there are types of birth control that can end a pregnancy shortly after conception ... that doesn't mean that all birth control does. I mean, goodness, I took the pill for a long time and got pregnant on it and it didn't cause me to lose my baby. No, I was just late figuring out I was actually pregnant. :)

Anonymous said...

Abortions can happen naturally (the embryo doesn't implant, there's a blighted ovum, whatever). The point that us pro-lifers are trying to make is that we are not in the place to be making decisions about who lives or dies based on our own selfish motives.

We all should realize by now that actions have consequences. By having sex, you open yourself up to having to make the choice about a baby inside-- whether to have it live or to kill it.

We can make all the appeals to "I should be able to have sex on a consensual basis" all we want, but that is selfish and having a disregard for the responsibility that comes with sexual activity.

Abstinence outside of marriage and fidelity in marriage has been the proven tool for reducing STDs, reducing the rate of abortions, etc. It's a person with poor self-discipline or morals of an alley cat that can't keep his/her pants zipped up.

Rich | Championable said...

MinTheGap: You seem to think that consensual sex and responsibility are mutually exclusive. Pardon the straight-talk, but that's ridiculous by definition.

Funny, by the way, how Italy has, like, the world's lowest birth rate. Hmmmm.

Maria said...

I'm anti-abortion (generally, I know there are situations where it's the best thing for both 'mother' and child), but pro-contraception, for the exact reasons that you're stating here.

I'm on the pill, and before I started taking it I asked my doctor what the risks of them causing an abortion were, she told me absolutely zero, assuming that you take them regularly, so it would seem that Tricia doesn't quite know what she's talking about. And even if I'm wrong, condoms are still 100% non-abortion-causing.

Personally I abstained until marriage, but I know that's not right for everybody, and as long as they're sensible about it, I have no problems with others not doing the same.

Oh, and for the record, I'm Christian - but Protestant (Evangelical Lutheran) rather than Catholic.

thordora said...

interesting discussion. Just blowing thru on blog explosion.

Frankly, as a woman with two daughters, I'll just be happy when EVERYONE, christians and non christians alike, keeps their noses OUT of of my pants so to speak. The fact that anyone gets to even try and decide if my daughters might be able to take the pill, or abort an unplanned pregnancy is offensive.Plus, as already mentioned, it would be nice to see people so hot and bothered to "save the little babies" interested in the aftermath. But of course, that doesn't do anything for them now does it.

And it's a foetus, not a baby.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of choice means that, sometimes, you make the wrong choice.

Women deserve better.

Rich, the only time consensual sex and responsibility are mutually exclusive are when we choose them to be.