"Is an Israeli tear-drop worth more than a drop of Lebanese blood?"So said the Lebanese Prime Minister, yesterday. It's a great political comment. It tugs at your heartsrtings. It's also complete manipulative bullshit.
In 2004, the United Nations passed UN Security Council Resolution 1559, which called for the Lebanese government to, among other things, disarm Hezbollah. If they had done this, there would be no Israeli/Hezbollah conflict. The blame for each and every death associated with Israel trying to disarm Hezbollah and protect itself lies with the Lebanese government, Syria, and Iran.
Iran and Syria could stop this conflict in an instant. Hell, Jordan could have created a free Palestine any time in the last several decades. Does anyone really believe that Palestine exists only in the land that Israel occupies? Please.
And the Israeli's aren't fighting an army. They're fighting guerillas who drive around with truck-launched missiles from different locations. If anyone expects Israel to be able to fight back without causing serious collateral damage, they totally misunderstand the nature of the conflict. This isn't pre-Revolutionary war, line-up-and-shoot warfare. This isn't jungle warfare. The enemy acts from populated areas. Options are extremely limited.
Let me ask you this: If Hezbollah didn't attack Israel, would Israel attack Hezbollah? If everyone left Israel alone, would Israel start a war?
To answer the PM's question: No, an Israeli tear is not worth more than a drop of Lebanese blood. But both are spilling because of you, your government's inaction, and your allies.
Love to all. Even you, Fouad Siniora.
Excellent post, this is along the same lines that I have been writing on my blog since the beginning. The Lebanese government wants to act like it is all Israel's fault for the death and destruction caused by the conflict and yet they did nothing to carry out the UN Resolution you talked about.
This is just an extention of the hatred of Israel by Syria and Iran and Hezbpllah is just carrying out their marching orders.
I guess Israel is right, they do have the right to defend themselves. Now... English is not my native tongue so I may have a slightly different understanding of what "defense" means when you cross into someone else's territory and bomb the shit out of them.
They could've defended themselves and not let those two poor soldiers be captured by Hezbollah, but they failed. So, to cover up for their failure to defend their own fucking border, they go and kill hundres of innocent civilians. Great fucking job!
Not sure what you mean, emigo. How were they supposed to "defend themselves" from that?
Why didn't the Lebanese governement try and disarm Hezbollah two years ago, as the UN resolution demanded?
They are trying to create a situation from which a non-standard, urban located terrorist group can't launch Iran-supplied rockets into their country.
It's not the same thing as Army vs. Army.
What would you suggest? Seriously?
I understand that the situation sucks completely, but what would you have them do?
And one more thing: you do realize that disarming Hezbollah (Lebanese gov't) would have meant another bloody Civil war (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_Civil_War) right?
And how could they disarn Hezbollah when Syria, a backer of Hezbollah, had, practically, invaded Lebanon until a few months ago?
Understood. So what to do?
Even today, with that unbelievably sad bombing in Qana (the pictures of this dead little girl being carried from the rubble just crushed me), is NOT fighting a solution?
If Hezbollah is launching rockets from Qana, and Israel spends days leafleting the area saying they were going to bomb the shit out of the place because rockets were coming from there... and then they DID bomb the shit out of the place...
...I don't even know how to end this question.
I just don't know what Israel should do.
Why, exactly, is Hezbollah responding with Katyushas to Israel?
BTW, I am NOT defending those mofos of Hezbollah. I don't even know why I'm getting myself into this. Just like you, I do not like to see those dead little girls.
One more thing: did Israel drop leaflets over that UN post they bombed as well? Just curious...
Wouldn't it be better (causing less civilian casualties) if they sent in troops to comb the area vs using the "shotgun" approach?
Because Hezbollah specifically and openly wants to wipe Israel off the face of the planet. (And it's not Katyushas alone, anymore... the rockets are 10x more powerful, in some cases.)
No, sending troops in would likely be too slow and just get a lot of Israeli troops killed with no upside for the Israelis.
About the UN... I don't know, man. I doubt it. I think it might have been Israel trying to nail people who were using the UN for cover... just as Hezbollah DEFINITELY uses women and children and populated areas as cover.
But I don't know.
You and I are basically talking slightly differently about the same thing. There's no solution.
Do you think that, if Israel was left alone by the homicide bombers, rocket attacks, etc., that they'd just pre-emptively attack another country?
Is there any historical basis to thinking they would?
On the other hand, Israel has been attacked by other countries, other groups, etc., since inception.
No, I don't think they'd attack others if they weren't attacked, but who knows? Although... Sinai Peninsula invasion...the six day war...
Six day war? Started by Israel?
I don't think so, amigo.
Egypt had blockaded Israeli shipping and massed troops on the border. The Sinai invasion was part of that conflict.
Great post! I have been saying the same thing on my site since the current conflict began. Israel does have a right to defend itself, even if that means attacking a country which is unable to execute a UN resolution to disarm terrorists which attack Israel from inside its borders. You are also correct in stating that Jordan could have set up a Palestinian homeland if it so chose. What do you know? You and I see eye to eye on something.
What would you suggest? Seriously?
I understand that the situation sucks completely, but what would you have them do?
Would this be a place to pose W.W.J.D.?
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