Wednesday, July 26, 2006


How lucky are we who get to love people, and have them love us back?

I need to remember that, in the midst of everything else.

Love to all. Even you, dude who HAD to get on the uptown 6 train, much to the physical (and probably emotional) discomfort of the woman in front of him.


Anonymous said...

Very lucky. Very lucky, indeed. Uh-huh. Yep.

Rich | Championable said...

um. sarcasm?

Anonymous said...

are you going through a rough spot??

(or am i being a woman and reading WAY too much into this post?)

Rich | Championable said...

Actually, I was being literal. I'm really happy to have people in my life that I love.

Man, you folks are WAY too cynical.


Lisa said...

VERY lucky. (no sarcasm here)

Lucky, especially since I'm not acting very loveable these days.

Peter said...
