Sunday, July 30, 2006

Maggie sums it up.

I was talking to Maggie about how Tricia suggested I leave the Catholic church because I don't believe everything that it teaches (and think, in fact, that some of what it teaches is contrary to the word of Christ).

Maggie thought for a second and said:
That's strange that she would say that: Peter denied Jesus three times, and Jesus made him the rock of his Church.
Smart wife, mine.

Love to all.


Unknown said...

We wives do have our moments! Good for her.

shqipo said...

Lucky bastard! :)

ITS said...

You think Peter meant the same thing it does today, back in the old days?


Anonymous said...

Being a student of religion, and coming from Catholic roots, at my age now, I sit in the balance between what I was raised to believe, my sexuality, my belief that God loves us all, and my desire to seek holiness, which brings me to the door of the Anglican and Episcopal church, where I can be all that I can be.

I don't go to church often because my principles do not agree with the church, yet there are ministers here in Montreal who accept "us" as normal parishoners. That does not replace my disdain for all that the church stands for. For me I can find God in places that church will not follow, and they would never go.

Peter said...

Thoughts of Religion make my head spin. Dedicated a couple of posts last week to that very topic. I too was raised Catholic and am raising my three children Catholic but the hypoacracy irks the hell out of me