Monday, July 31, 2006

Nike+ Review, Part II of II.

So, calibrating the sensor on a track works well, but...

Don't be an idiot like me. If you have good sneakers, keep wearing those, and fuck the Nike+iPod system. After an x-ray, a doctor visit, and a serious-ass ultrasound to insure that I didn't kick off a blood clot which was lung-bound, I have learned that it's A-OK to stick with what works.

Damn. I can't BELIEVE how much I screwed myself up, all for the sake of geek tech.

Hmm. Geek tech. Aren't there wearable GPS/Heart Monitor sets?


Love to all. Even you, the hypermuscular twenty-something who didn't know what "fast" meant... causing the nurse to yell "DID. YOU. EAT?"


shqipo said...

{evil grin} I hate to say this but...I TOLD YOU SO {/evil grin}

Rich | Championable said...

You totally did, dude. You totally did.

Christi said...

So what was the injury? Is it shin splints?
I am looking into the garmin forerunner. It's super pricey and the software only works with a pc - but I think I am going to give it a try.
The new ones are smaller than the old ones -but still pretty big. It seems like an awesome training tool.

Run On

Peter said...

Over from Two Okapis, adding you to my blog lines. Good Stuff here, excuse me while I get to know you.

TC said...

Heh. I forwarded this to my training-for-a-half-marathon (and then maybe for another run at the LA Marathon with it's new super duper faster course, announced yesterday) tech-geek husband. That could so easily have been him...