Wednesday, July 05, 2006


“Yo! Get out on my side, please!”

We had pulled up on the side of the road, and Maggie was dropping us off at the beach place in Montauk. I asked the kids to exit the van on my side, so that they’d step onto the grass, not into the middle of the road.

As I got out of the van, I saw my daughter already across the street.

I asked: “Did you look both ways?”
She answered: “Yes.”

Then my youngest started running around the back of the van.

A red car was coming down the road, approaching our vehicle. My youngest was rounding the corner of the van and heading for the road, not looking for oncoming traffic. Not seeing that there was oncoming traffic.

Slow motion.

Trajectories overlayed my vision in neon, just like they used to when I was a younger. My youngest was going to get hit. He ran out of my field of vision, and I started sprinting around the van. “STOP!” I yelled. He kept going. “STOP!” I yelled again. He didn’t.

I rounded the back of the van at speed, figuring to run into the middle of the road and knock his ass off the street.

No need. Apparently, I screamed loud enough that the oncoming car heard me. They were stopped, about ten feet from my son, who was still in the road. I grabbed him, and said “Jesus. Do you see the car? Do you see what could have happened? You HAVE to look before crossing the street. Always.”

He started crying.

Love to all. Even you, the dude with the hearing aid who screamed “HUMILITY!”


Anonymous said...

and YOU'RE still sick at the thought of what could have, might have, almost happened....

Lisa said...

That is such a sick feeling... My stomach sank to my feet just with the memory of similar instances with my own kids. Glad all is well, even if you may have gained a few gray hairs in the process...

Christi said...

Oh I am so glad that everything turned out okay. I have had similar instances and it just makes you feel ill, thankful and angry all at the same time.
The saying "what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger" must have been said by someone with children.

WagerWitch said...

OMG - I bet you're still shaking.

I don't know if I would have been angrier at myself for not grabbing the kid by the hand - or not having taught him how to look both ways so permanently ingrained - that he would have stopped...

That horror - that moment - and if it would have happened. OMG - It's just an awful thing.

I'm so glad for you that your child is fine. Nothing wears a heart out faster than having children - but nothing gives you more pleasure, wonderment, awe inspiring moments than children.

Wager Witch
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Anonymous said...

huh. now you're attracting witches, albeit gambling witches...

i'm glad all is OK - I'm sorry that it happened. hang in there!

Callisto said...

I am going to read this post to my son.

Unknown said...

OMG! Have you finished shaking yet? My husband nearly got hurt years ago. He was trying to fix our truck on the side of the road when a drunk driver slammed into the truck. My husband jumped out of the way just in time. I still see it in slow motion...

Free to Be said...

Here from blog explosion today. That sure was scary. I remember those days, now I'm at "wear your seatbelt". He can drive, ahhhhhh!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure if there was going to be a happy ending for a while there. I'm glad everyone was okay and your boy wasn't hurt. Hopefully he'll look next time :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my...I am not sure I would still be standing, my heart would probably have stopped. I am going to talk with both of my kids tomorrow about checking to make sure that they are very carefull when crossing the the street...any stree

L said...

ugh. stress!!

shqipo said...

Arrgh! As soon as mine moves from crawling to her walking stage, I'll probably find myself into that situation. Damn it, so frustrating!

Rich | Championable said...

Wow. Thanks for all the great comments. It was a truly crazy moment where I thought things were about to change.

Al said...

holy shit! yeah, I freak out every time my kids are around traffic.

glad all was well!

Ally said...

scary stuff. i'm glad there was a happy ending.

Anonymous said...

Good story, man. I get really bummed reading the ones that don't turn out well (in the news), so I'm always glad to read a happy ending.