If you currently live in the territorial boundaries of the United States of America, and if you want to live in a Theocratic Oligarchy, raise your hand. You folks are “Group B.” Lower your hands.
Group A, pack your bags and find somewhere else to live. Group B, now would be a good time to invest in land. You can settle in for the long haul: this country is for you.
Today, a federal judge strucked down the Terrorist Surveillance Program as unconstitutional, and according to the judge, was in violation of the "separation of powers doctrine, the Administrative Procedures Act, the First and Fourth amendments to the United States Constitution, the FISA and Title III.”
Sounds good, right? Just you wait.
The Bush administration is going to ignore the ruling, claiming that it somehow has the right to do this while the rulilng is appealed. Of course, that would mean the Bush administration would be acting illegally… but that’s nothing new. I could be wrong, here, but I doubt it.
The slimiest logic of all The Bush government claimed that it couldn’t defend itself in the suit, because doing so would be a national security risk. That, my friends, is self-serving logic which allows the Bush (or any other) administration to basically do whatever it wants, without being troubled with things like, um, legality.
And Senator Frist? He just pooped on the Constitution as follows:
Terrorists are the real threat to our constitutional and democratic freedoms, not the law enforcement and intelligence tools used to keep America safe. We need to strengthen, not weaken, our ability to foil terrorist plots before they can do us harm.Regardless, of course, of whether these tools are illegal and concretely un-American.
According to CNN:
Some legal scholars said the program is an illegal and unwarranted intrusion on Americans' privacy. The Bush administration defended it as a necessary tool in the battle against terrorism.Regardless, of course, of whether these tools are illegal and concretely un-American. Wait. Did I just repeat myself? Weird. Sorry.
Group A, raise your hands. The Bush administration is removing the core values that made these United States so wonderful and unique. So you might as well keep your hands up: you’re being robbed.
Love to all. Even you, Tony Snow.
Regardless, of course, of whether these tools are illegal and concretely un-American.
That is a great dsentence the deserves to be repeated.
Some sort of scary McArthurism going on around here. Stand clear The Christian Right knows better than the founding fathers.
Yeah, this administration is a disgrace. Of course this is just one judge, the next may rule differently. I have a hard time with people who say that all of these intrusions are in the name of security. There is a reason that the Founding Fathers decided on a system of "checks and balances". Now , who is checking and who is balancing? Yes, King George, your will be done. Is anyone listening?
Fabulous Post!
Every single day I wonder what else will be next....what new tactic to keep the american people trapped in fear so they won't pay attention to what is *really* being done in the name of "safety and security"
What is it going to take for people to realize who our biggest threat is? (Hint: it's not AlQuida)
Perhaps the more important question ought to be....what can we do about it?
In Denmark the royal family have some sort of 'legal immunity' (sorry, I don't know the correct English word for it). I don't know how far it goes - I mean, obviously they can't commit murder and get away with it, but they won't e.g. get a speeding ticket even if caught.
Does the same thing apply for the US president? If not, I really hope 'dear' Bush will someday be held accountable for his doings these past way too many years.
Can you please show me one US citizen which has been agrieved by the NSA wiretaps? Whose privacy is being violated? We are at war, no matter how much you deny reality.
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