Friday, September 29, 2006


On 9/12/2001, America was United and the world was behind us. The tragedy of the day before was an unbelievable opportunity to capture and kill Osama Bin Laden, demonstrate our military might, AND show the world that we were a moral, upstanding world citizen.

Instead, we underpowered the military action in Afghanistan, diverted resources to Iraq, and got ourselves mired in a war we should never have started.

Sometimes, I think we're doomed. This President has made us less than a laughingstock... Bush has made this country the enemy's best advertisement.

Could you IMAGINE what the world would be like if we hadn't left the capture of Bin Laden to a porous Afghani troop line populated by bribable, disinterested soldiers?

I can imagine a LOT of scenarios... all of them better than where we are now.

Just thinking out loud, here.

Love to all.

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