Instead, I'll tell you how fucking cool it is to hook up a GameCube to a widescreen plasma. I'm home sick today, and my Tivo Series 3 arrived... so until the cable guys come Monday with two CableCards, things are all switched up, and the kids can watch TV in the basement, but play GameCube upstairs.
In other words, I wanted to play Madden 2006 on the plasma, and this was my excuse.
Love to all. Even you, the financial services guy who, in spite of impossible odds against his success, kept up his sales pitch.
One must remember that faith is like a garden, you plant it, water it and weed it then you wait on the garden to flower.
How can you "expect" from faith, when you say you don't have faith? Isn't that like putting the cart before the horse?
In sobriety, faith grows and is augmented the longer you stay sober. You drank for so long and so hard, did you EXPECT faith to drop into your lap immediately?
Life, like sobriety, is a journey. keep walking, expect nothing, so you won't build any "unjustifiable resentments." because you know, there are none.
Faith is a question, unless you KNOW the question, how can you find the answer?
Don't drink, Go to Meetings and Call your sponsor...
Stay in your day...
Master Yoda!!
I love sick days
Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good. Hope all is well through the weekend :)
You are one bizarre individual.
That's a compliment; trust me on this one.
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