Saturday, February 19, 2005

24, Season One, The Finale. (3 year old spoiler!!)

Can I just mention how much I like "24." Holy crap. The child-of-the-eighties guy in me is thrilled at seeing Kiefer Sutherland in a good show, and I think it's written and directed with way-above-average skill. Yes, I'm a few years behind. I WAS simultaneously watching season One and Four, but someone shut off the cable box, and my TiVo skipped a few weeks of this season. So now I'm just watching Seasons 1, 2, and 3.

Okay. About this finale. The fact that a season of a television show ended on such a low note... that was really impressive. After all of the craziness of the season, having it NOT turn out right in the end...

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