Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The priest says no, but I say YES!!

And I'm not talking about gay marriage again. Although clearly I support it. Now, men are disgusting, icky pigs. I don't understand why all women aren't gay and all men therefore lonely... but apparently there's a physiological component to these things and some women find men ATTRACTIVE. Thank goodness for that.


Father Mark says that we shouldn't give UP something for lent, but rather try to do good. I say: cool, but I'm giving up sweets anyway. Am I using lent as an excuse for trying to lose a little weight? Sure. But I don't think that's SUCH a bad thing, and heck... I'll try to do good as well. I think I need to lower my sights a bit, and just volunteer someplace 1 or 2 days a month. I'll ask him where that should be.

Two lents ago, I gave up drinking. That was before I gave up drinking for good.


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