Quitting sugar gives me urges a lot like quitting nicotine did in 2000. Frankly, I'm a little suprised at this. At my oldests' birthday party (which was today), I was hit with an unbelievable urge for a piece of the ice cream cake. I actually decided to HAVE it. But then I didn't. WTF?
Went for my first over-10k run since this latest bout of brochitis. It felt pretty good, but my left lung is clearly working better than my right. It feel so /tight/. I did 11k, and then got ready for the party. July 10 is my next half-marathon, so I've got to get cookin.
Best party moment: my daughter climbing the rock wall. She's five, she's brave, and and she climbed higher than most of the boys. And when she let go, she kicked off the wall, just like a pro. I played Air Hockey with her, too... she's so intense and joyful and focused it just makes me burst with love to watch her.
My oldest was clearly in his element. I think he had a blast. We spent a lot of time together today... just the two of us. It's amazing how wonderfully we get along when it's just the two of us. We sat at the counter in the diner, and he said to me: "When we're alone, I like being with you more than anyone." That's a VERY complex statement, when you think about it.
Okay. My kids need help setting up their new toys. Ah, birthday season!
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