Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hippie nutritionist yoga lady, part I.

So I went to see my nutritionist/yoga/holistic healer person for my first appointment. Her name is Kimberly. She taught me some different breathing excercises, gave me a short class on foods, walked on my back, and...

...we agreed that I would immediately quit coffee and refined sugar.

So today, for the first time in YEARS, I've had green tea only. And not that much, either. It's been pretty interesting. I got all hazed out from not having my traditional 300mg of caffeine in the morning (Green tea has 26mg/tea bag, as opposed to my wake-up cup and half + Starbucks redeye I have before 7:30am), and my guess is that I'm going to go to sleep on time tonight.

But other than that, I'm pretty okay. Just a little slow.

Oh: I had my pulmonary function tests done today. All the numbers were green except two. That's a good thing, I understand.

1 comment:

Road Warrior said...

About a year ago I came to grips with some excesses in my life, mainly booze and tobacco, but coffee was one of my other vices. After quitting for a few months, I learned to moderate the beer, cheat on tobacco from time to time, but enjoy coffee far too much to give it up. Coffee is not the evil it is made out to be. Sugar, however, has never been a big staple in my diet. I do not drink soda pop and have learned to avoid sugary things altogether. Same with fast food. It's just crap. It's true what they say: "Everything in moderation."