Thursday, September 08, 2005

In light of Katrina, Iraq, etc.

Can everyone just take a moment and realize how utterly silly it is that we give a crap about who is gay and who isn't? Can everyone take a deep breath and say "Wow, marriage is a great thing for everyone who wants it." Could everyone use the current state of things as an opportunity to put silly-yet-dangerous prejudices to rest, now and forever?

Gay marriage is an issue? Please.

Love to all. Even you, the closeted man who can't figure out why he's so damn angry.

1 comment:

Zube said...

Hey. Came here by way of Al at Thick Stout and Coffee. At the risk of sounding like one of those spam ads, I really dig your blog.

And Amen with the gay marriage. For real. I can't imagine the sex of two people who love each other being more important than love itself. It's astounding.