Sunday, October 23, 2005

Shit, shit, SHIT.

Maggie is back in the hospital. She woke up this morning with her lips, mouth, and eyes totally swollen. Her body is covered in hives. I've never seen anything like it. She started to feel faint again, so I packed the kids into the van and took her to the ER.

Listening to this fucking doctor, I almost lost my shit.

"She's not going to die from this," he said.

I said, "You just told me that if her throat starts to constrict, she could be in real trouble, right?"


"Then, are you saying that she's past the point where her throat might constrict?"

"Not necessarily," he said.

"So, what you're telling me is that she's not going to die right this very second?" I was incredulous.


I went home to drop off the kids. I called Maggie. After I left, her throat started to constrict, and now they are taking things a lot more seriously. My in-laws are inbound, and I'm heading back to the hospital as soon as they get here. When I last talked to Maggie, she told me she was going to take a nap, and that I should come by in a couple of hours.

Love to all.


ITS said...

Terribly sad man. My heart and prayers are with you.

You have to keep the faith.

She WILL get better very soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh shit. I'm sorry, dude. Hospitals suck, but she's in the best possible place. *hugs*
I'll be thinkin' of you guys.

Amy said...

I empathize with you in this frustrating, scary experience. I was in the same position myself about ten years ago--covered with hives head to toe, unable to speak, swollen eyelids, so much pain--and trying to get someone to take me seriously. It's infuriating. The hospital really is the best place to be. I hope your wife has a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about this.

All my best to you and your family. I hope Maggie is better soon.

Arethusa said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope she makes a speedy recovery and that all will be well!

Al said...

Sorry to hear this. Sending nothing but positive thoughts and energy to you and your wife!

Hope she recovers quickly. Stay strong!