I just re-read the cracked-out hatemongers post again. It just gets worse and worse ever time I read it. I don't think I've read many posts that were more disturbing.
This UnChristian Chritian is:
1) Anti-American. He claims that immigrants are causing our children to "throw away centuries of faith" Hey, Jackass: When did YOUR family come to America? With the exception of native americans, it's a country of IMMIGRANTS.
2) Blatantly racist. Reread the part about how he loves Asians... especially where he could "see the unease in the Asian’s eyes." And check out his references to the Third World as "Ghettos of the World."
3) In utter contradiction of the Word. This man clearly doesn't know his religion's texts or history. Although my guess is that his favorite gospel is John.
I won't even get into his misogynistic rant about why women shouldn't be President. It was a different post, and I decided to stop finding out more about this shameful AmeriNazi's fucked-up opinions. Yeah: AmeriNazi.
So why does this bother me? Because he is doing all this in the name of Jesus Christ. This man is one of the most Anti-Christian people I've ever had the misfortune to come across.
Okay, enough from me on this. I've spent too much time on this sicko.
Love to all. Once again, even to the cracked-out hatemonger. Note: I am not actually saying he's on crack... in this case though, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Crack would at least explain his delusions. A little.
You are getting yourself worked up over nothing. The best way to deal with people like the after mentioned is to completely ignore them.
Why are you so upset that some Pat-Robertson wannabe retard expresses his clearly brainwashed opinion. There is nothing-original coming out of this guy’s mouth or brain.
Hundreds of years of propaganda have left Christian-wannabes, without the slightest trace of independent thought.
It's a shame that a religion that is based on such a strong and good role model is adapted to spread hate in the world.
I am a Christian and was recently baptized, but I will never agree with the views displayed by these extremists. I look up to Jesus, and I want to think and live positively in this world. I want to respect all fellow human beings, and their points of view.
Fundamentalists in any religion are the true threat for the world, be them Muslim, Christian, or Jewish. However, engaging them in a debate is not an option.
In our democratic society the only way to go is be actively political, spread the true meaning of tolerance, and beat them by the power of numbers.
Deep down inside me, I believe that there are far more reasonable, tolerant people in North America than these fundamentalist nuts.
If not, God help us all!!!
I nod affirmatively.
But, nobody can be like Jesus Christ.
Don't ignore jive turkeys.
Just enjoy them as jesters.
Eccentrics are great comics.
Welcome to the amazingly amazing world of Doctor Life.
I refuse to take anything he writes too seriously. In fact, you will see my comments all over his crazed postings.
I think he is just a zany guy.
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