Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Like kids, like father.

A while back, we instituted Screen-Free day for the kids. No computers, no TV, no screens of any kind. We thought it would be a good way to have the kids focus on things other than Zelda, Drake and Josh, Lego Star Wars and Kim Possible at least one day a week. It worked so well, I figured I would apply it to myself. After all, I'm the one that's glued to the laptop morning, noon, and night.

So yesterday, I announced to the family that I would be starting screen-free day, too. Their reaction was a bit more dramatic than I expected. My oldest grinned and said , "No, WAY!" My wife seemed pleased, but slightly doubtful that I could pull it off.

I'm a little sad about how it went, because it went so well. We hung out in the living room and talked. Maggie and I put the kids to bed, then read our respective books. It was quiet and restful and attentive. Clearly, this should continue.

I swear: by the time my kids are all in college, I'll have learned enough to be the perfect parent.

Love to all. Even you, icky-stalker-professor-guy.


Anonymous said...

It's good to get children away from the screen once in awhile. When I was young, I remember playing outside and wanting to play outside. Children today do not do that as often, or do not go outside just to explore at all.

Partically, this is the parents' faults. If we spend more time outside with our children, they may end up seeing the value in this. But, if we are glued to the screen as well, it is a little bit hard to preach to them. So, that's great you decided to have a screen free day too.

I know of our couple whose kids actually opted to not have cable and internet, now that's refreshing!

Lisa said...

what an awesome idea. I'm going to make my kids do it this weekend. (And I might even be brave enough to join them...)

Vic said...

Yeah, good idea. I'm just not sure I'm disciplined enough. My girls really like to read though. I think it would be harder on Hubby and me than them. Perhaps we will give it a try though.

By the way, by all accounts (that one can obtain from a blog), I think you're a great dad! :)

shqipo said...

Very good idea! I need to do that too for myself!

BTW, how exactly am I stocking you?? :P

Unknown said...

Great idea. If more parents and gets would get in tune with each other maybe we'd have better kids.

When mine were little they were only allowed to watch Sesame Street and other PBS stuff during the week. Cartoons only on Sat morning. That was before 24 hour cartoons! But, I do truly belive things like Sesame Street gave them a little edge in the early school years.

CindyMae said...
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