Sunday, March 19, 2006

My tactics. My strategy.

I want to tell on myself. The truth is: I'm a little sneaky. Not in a bad way... and certainly not in a dishonest way... but I've decided that the best way to approach flammable topics of discussion is to do it from an angle. Some examples:
  1. Homosexuality: Start with a side topic, like adoption. It doesn't matter whether you think being gay is bad or a sin, but rather whether having gay parents negatively affects the child being adopted. It's also less touchy than gay marriage.
  2. Abortion: Before we even touch this one, let's start with widespread destigmatization and availability of birth control.
  3. Military Action: Bring back the draft. Let's make decisions about "pre-emptive war" when everyone's children are involved.
Stuff like that. I think it's better to approach the "opposition" from the point most likely to create consensus, and move on from there. Part of this strategy comes from wanting to figure out with whom it's worth engaging: before hitting the Wall of Absolute Disagreement, it's good to discuss points that are (arguably) affirmable by either side of the issue. It's a good way to create dialog. And it's an excellent way to start "change from within."

It's not that I'm afraid to talk about stuff head-on. Sometimes, though, it's better to attempt to find a gray area... something we all can at least talk about.

Love to all. Even you, the dude in the pew who was shoving his way to Communion.


Vic said...

Interesting approach. I have to say, the older I get the more gray there seems to be. I used to be very opinionated on everything. I've realized there so much more to learn. My viewpoint is limited to my experiences. What's right for me, isn't right for everyone. It sounds like fence straddling, but for me it tolerance - something I was never given.

Terry said...

You may call it "sneaky," but I call it "good, solid rhetorical device."

When did rhetoric get a bad name, by the way? I suppose when politicians and the media and my mother in law gave it one.


Rich | Championable said...

Vic: Agreed. I think my core opinion is just "who does it hurt in the short or long term?" And I go from there.

Terry: I feel the same way about the word "semantic." It was an evil word in my house... but it's actually quite relevant.

shqipo said...

Smart approach! I'm not 100% sure how #3 will actually work since the top dogs will find a way to have their kids dismissed or stay here safely (Alabama Air National Guard, anyone?).