Friday, March 03, 2006

No hookers. Yes 80's-wear and fiction.

After's yesterday's utilization of the magic of Google to create a fictional post-bad-day scenario, here's what I decided to do for real: dress as if it was 1984.

So here's what I'm wearing: a Rush "Moving Pictures" 1981 tour shirt over long underwear, bleached Levi 505 jeans, and Dr. Marten's boots.

Dress for success, I say.

Love to all.

p.s. I thought that nobody was commenting out of dismay. It turns out there was a permission issue which prevented commenting at ALL. So I'll never know. All is well, now.


Mom101 said...

The world needs more liberal-minded Catholic daddies. Rock on, Papa. Glad I found you.

Rich | Championable said...

Thanks! Anywhere people can sign up for Mom 101 courses?


Anonymous said...

1984? Hmm...I think I still have my Capezios and Cavariccis somewhere...

Shannon Nelson said...

I should break out my stirup pants, my Wham t-shirt and my pink high top rebocks.

Rich | Championable said...

LBB, isn't that "Wham!"? :)
Useless: Mesh shoes. That rocks.
Kelly: find 'em!

karen said...

I live in wait! 80's fashions will be in again someday and I'm ready. I had to wait about 25 years for straight hair (the only kind I can ever possibly have without a wig) to come back - I've got patience and a great pair of pastel floral print Union Bay pants I got in 1984 waiting as my own reward...

ITS said...

Can I just listen to the Van Halen's 1984 album, and keep my spring 2006 fashion mode?

Al said...

hey man, I STILL wear Rush t shirts! ha ha, does that make me stuck in the 80's?

gen said...

if i could only find an outfit which would duplicate the look in breakin 2: electric boogaloo, i'd be set...