Sunday, March 12, 2006


Hi there, you. How've you been? You're looking better than ever. Yummy.

I have decided to reeducate myself on the topic of abortion. I'll be back with a full report sometime in the next week or so. In the meantime, you'll have to put up with my normal silliness.

Love to all. Even you, the spaced-out huge guy in the aisle at BJ's Wholesale.


ITS said...

I used to go this strip club in Bowling Green, KY. It was called "tattle tales". And I fell in love with this stripper whose stage name was "Yummy"!

I wonder what she's up to these days...

Noala said...

Is there a reason that has caused you to need to re-educate yourself?

Rich | Championable said...


Yes. I started to write this whole blog entry asking people WHY they were pro-choice, especially if a fetus could feel pain at 7 weeks... I also asked whether the fetus had rights, and why those rights were superceded by the mom's... and THEN I asked if there was a gov't program to fund pregnancies and adoptions, would you STILL be pro-choice... and THEN I decided I wanted to get the answers to these questions for myself (I haven't studied them since I went undercover at a pro-life place in 1992).

And that's the scoop.

Hank Ortuno said...

Glad to hear you are giving old perceptions a fresh look. Whether your position changes or stays the same, at least you are demonstrating an open mind.