Friday, March 24, 2006

Why I need to stop using Apple products.

I was in the shower this morning... and I looked down and thought: who the hell left an iPod Nano in the shower? This was completely messed up because:

  1. It's soap.
  2. Nobody in my house has a Nano.
Love to all. Even you, the Con Ed driver with no respect for Yield.


shqipo said...

LMAO! hilarious! I guess Jobs is just as a great marketer as Gates is a shrewd businessman.

Anonymous said...

See, this is proof that Jobs is the AntiChrist!

ITS said...

I think jessica is a spamer... and that bar of soap looks NOTHING like an iPod nano....

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

erm... bar of soap = ipod nano?
I saw your pic first and wondered what soap was doing in your post. Then read the text. Then had to do a double take.

Can't see it, sorry. *chuckles*

Rich | Championable said...

ITS - You are totally correct. I deleted it.

But DUDES... it had a little blue streak where the screen would be and EVERYTHING.


Guess you had to be there.

Ginamonster said...

ooh, now I'm going to have to start making soap that looks like ipods! maybe I will sell more of it!

thanks for the giggle!

cmhl said...

ha!!! you must have good vision--- I am so blind w/o my contacts there is no way I would associate ANYTHING with a bar of soap. ha!