Sunday, June 18, 2006

Fairly crapalicious, and a movie review.

Father's Day kind of sucked.

So did Nacho Libre.

With Maggie at work all day, I had to contend with my youngest acting out nearly non-stop, which basically involves him ignoring anything I ask him not to do. Like "Please don't jump into the deep end of the pool, because you can't swim!"



I did take the kids to see Nacho Libre... we were pretty psyched, all of us being huge Jack Black fans and all. But, alas, the movie was... dull.

Towards the end of the day, Maggie called from work. I was telling her about the day... how my youngest hit my daughter in the face twice, how my oldest twisted her arm immediately after I told him not to touch her... when Maggie said (about the altercation between my oldest and my daughter), "Well, she really picks on him."

That totally pissed me off, because:
  1. I don't care if she picks on him. If I fucking say don't do it, you don't do it.
  2. He comments on everything she says, and I don't think that justfies her smacking him.
  3. I just wanted Maggie to listen to me, because the kids were making me nuts.
So, in glorious Rich fashion, I said: "I don't want to hear you explaining why it's okay for him to hit her. I just want to vent for a second." She got pissed, I got more pissed. We got off the phone.

When she called back later, I had actually forgotten about the conversation, and she was still really angry. I said "what are you mad about?" She said: "Are you kidding me?" I said I wasn't. She reminded me abour the prior argument. So it started up again. When I asked her how her telling me why my oldest hurt my daughter wasn't explaining away his behavior, she said:

"Don't even go there."

Now, I'm a big jackass, and I'll also take a lot of shit, but ladies and gentlemen, I seriously doubt I could remain married to someone who says "Don't even go there," and means it.

I'm only sort of kidding here.

Anyway: I feel pretty much like Maggie and I are misfiring, the kids are missing her and acting out because of this, and, well, this to shall pass.

Bleah. What a lame post. Ah, well. Such is life, and such is blogs.

Love to all. Even you, the A&P patron who lost her shit because the credit card machines went down.


Lisa said...

you can jump on my Shitty Father's Day bandwagon. Mine wasn't so great either. Yeah I know I'm not biologically capable of being a father, but for all intents and purposed I'm both parents 24/7, so whatever.

I spent 5 hours of my day in the car driving my youngest offspring to camp, and then driving home alone. It was so tough leaving her behind, espeically since she didn't shed a tear and basically told me to leave.

At least she's independent....

Hang in there, Rich. Things will get better. You've just got some HUGE family changes going on at the same time (the new meds, and Maggie working). IT will even out.

ITS said...

This is definitely intense bro.

I am with you in the sense that sometimes the man of the house has to throw down the law. No questions, or explanations asked.

That's how I was raised and it worked. Someday when I become a father I expect to follow the same parenting method. It would probably help if the wife was a bit more submissive.

Don't even joke about breaking the marriage.

Now, Jack Black sucks the big one, and you should have known better from the previews that the movie was going to blow too.

Jack Black only knows how to play one type of character, the jackass. How many ways can you play a jackass?

Belongum said...

Bugger! I've been there - many, MANY times... exceptin'I play the part of your partner... *sigh*

And what's worse is there's a part of me that KNOW'S I'm doing it, and that it's not immediately necessary to open my gob and comment - but I go ahead and do it anyway... apparently my mouth is just one big shoe drawer... It's always got my feet in it!

I mediate between people and have to listen to them ALL day in my work... sometimes I just don't want to do that at home too!

Good to see it's 'normal' ;-)



shqipo said...

Stop whinning. How about having your first father's day not even celebrated?

Jess said...

This may or may not help but what my dad used to do to me and my brother when we got to hitting eachother is he would sit us in the foyer/hallway in front of the front door. There was nothing to do. No tv to look at and no talking. We had to sit there criscross indian style and stare at eachother. We couldnt touch eachother either sitting the required 3 foot apart. We would have to sit there in our dad version of a 'your fighting now you have to go sit' we hated it. But the fighting would stop for at least that day!

Unknown said...

Shame about Nacho, I wanted to see it.

Callisto said...

Hey blogging about the shit you go through is far from dull. Of all the disagreements I've had with my husband (and there aren't many) they have nearly all been over parenting issues.

christine said...

it could have been worse. i made my dad healthy brownies (that had zucchini in them) and then told him he needed to start working out. and i'm the best kid in the bunch...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, my Father's Day kind of bit the dust, too, unfortunately. Ours was too focused on the previous generations of fathers - who maybe weren't quite as good as we are trying to be.

Sorry to hear your was rough and that you're going through a tough stretch. I always find when things are not good with my wife, everything else also seems to fall apart. But when things are good with her, everything is a bit better.

Tina@ SendChocolateNow said...

Gotta say, lately here, that kind of crap seems familiar. dh and I, we have been "missing" one another, too. Even when we are in the same room, we aren't. I worry that the kids will go off to college and we will look at one another and say, "Who the hell are you??" The hard thing is, we have always been really close. But for the last few months, every time he opens his mouth, he snarls, and I don't take that well. Lately, all the conversations end. Either with a slammed door, a relocated one of us to another room or some such.

It really, really sucks. The problem is, I am hurt enough that I don't want to be the one to have to try to clear the air. So, we ignore it. And we pretend everything is ok. But it isn't.