Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thanks, JP Morgan Chase!

On April 23, 2006, I forwarded a phishing email to the abuse mailbox at JP Morgan Chase. I occasionally do this, just in case the security folks are being proactive. Last night, almost two months later, my inbox started getting bombed by autoresponses. Nice. I just started filtering them at the server level.

Love to all. Even you, the bank who refused me a business loan in 1999 even though we’d been profitable for four years running.


shqipo said...

LOL! Tech gone wrong, for sure.

Lisa said...

Ain't technology grand?!?

I might be kind of fun to forward their own auto-responses to the abuse address... just to see if it got confused and self destructed...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what is up with delayed responses?

I recently inquired about becoming a donor for a local theatre house that ran a marketing campaign to the LGBT community (among many other communites.) Took them months to respond. Hello!?! Money!!! Guess they were busy.