Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Data Entry.

I posted an ad on Craiglist for a short data entry position for my company. The lucky winner will get to work in the same room as me for two weeks.

I've gotten some weird responses.

For instance... if you're going to reply to a financial data entry gig, make sure what you write is literate and sensible... data entry requires accuracy.
I'm interested in the Data Entry position if it is not yet filled. I am not sure of my typing speed but it type like a mad scientist!
I'm trying to mentally picture what "type like a mad scientist" means, but I'm just not sure.

Another example is:
do i need to be there or can I do it from home
That was the whole email. Nothing more.

But this one disturbs me the most, because it's just so icky:
I can get the job done for you quickly, if you're willing to pay me what I usually would get as a temp (around $30/hour), or I can spend the two weeks you're advertising doing the data entry at a much more leisurely pace for the rate you're offering.
How could anyone hire this person after a note like this?

Anyway... I think I've found my person. Lucky bastard.

Love to all. Even you, the wide-eyed lady who was both suspicious and hard of hearing.


shqipo said...

ROFL LMAO! Those are hilarious!!! Who hires those idiots?

Anonymous said...

I think some people are afraid of failure, so they'll give you outrageous demands, hoping they can say that it's YOUR fault they weren't hired.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Wow. Those are some classic ways of NOT getting a job. When I used to hire, queries like these wouldn't even be worth a reply.