Saturday, August 26, 2006

God, this is weird.

My youngest has had a fever of 103 all day.

He just woke up twenty minutes ago. Or rather, he catapulted out of bed, semi-delirious, said he had to throw up, and spent the next five minutes trying to get his hands into the toilet, and screaming when I moved them.

He kept screaming "I want to play! I want to play!" And trying to reach into the toilet bowl. I was thinking: this little dude is asleep. This little dude is delirious.

So I finally said: "Do you want to play with the bath water?" He said yes.

I brought him downstairs. His fever was high, but not 103. He insisted that he get in the bath. He also started to seem much more lucid. I gave him some Motrin. He kept up about the bath, only in a less emotional

"What's my name?" I asked.
"Daddy," he said.
"How old are you?"
"Where's Mommy?"
"Hershey Park."
"You still want to get in the bath?"

So I let him. I set the water in at a medium-cool level, thinking that would help knock the fever back until the Motrin worked. He got in, and started chit-chatting with me about Star Wars. Then, after five minutes he said: "I'm done."

I said: "Why did you want to take a bath?"
He said: "I just did.
"Why were you trying to stick your hands in the toilet upstairs?"
"I don't know."
"Do you remember that?"
"Whoa, this was really funny, youngin'."
"Well, it wasn't that funny."
"Hm. I guess you're right. Ready for bed?"

And he's fast asleep. Now, how am I going to accomplish the same thing?

Love to all. Even you, the video graphics woman with the special pinky.


shqipo said...

holy crap!! Is that what lays in front of me? damn it, I'm not ready for fatherhood :(

Sorry to hear about this very weird experience - hope things are much better now.

Panthergirl said...

Aw.... hope he's all better. My son had a 107.5 fever the night of his first birthday. Yep, 107.5!!! AND, that was 1/8/96, the night of the HUGE HUGE HUGE snowstorm so there was 3 feet of snow in our driveway. Thankfully we were able to (gradually) get the fever to come down and didn't have to start shoveling at 3am.

This also reminded me of the morning he got up when he was about 5, and in his half-sleeping state stopped to pee...into the kitchen garbage pail.

(to answer your first question: NO, I'm not a JP! They are getting married by a real JP prior to the "ceremony" that I'm performing. Regarding your MacBookPro...mine went back to Apple with a bad logic board. THREE batteries blew up on me. Hope you have better luck!)