Well. It turns out that I have developed a complete tolerance for amphetamines.
My wife, my friends, and my employees have all noticed a Return to Scatterbrain.
I've had the dose increased twice. The first time I felt like it was working for me again. But within a week, I had completely adjusted and returned to my normal, what-the-hell-was-I-just thinking self.
I talked to the doc, and she recommended I take the weekend off, then change how I take it Monday through Friday. When I asked her about side effects from stopping, she said "None."
I slept 11 hours, from Friday-to-Saturday, 13 hours from Saturday-to-Sunday. I STILL feel like I'm thinking through gauze. It's pretty disconcerting.
I've come up with a solution, though: I'm hiring an assistant.
If I can't correct my behavior chemically, I'm going to hire someone to help me correct it environmentally. My own living, breathing adderall. Anyone want a job helping Rich | Championable get his shit together? It doesn't pay too much: 30k to start, but there's a salary review after the 90-day probationary period.
Anyway: I'm taking my daughter to Brooklyn to pick up her big brother from my cousin's apartment, where he spent the night. I was a big adventure for all... perhaps more for my cousin than for my son.
Love to all. Even you, the frat-lookin' guy driving the Humvee.
Dude, that's a long ass sleep! I'm sorry to hear those drugs are wearing off, but I'm glad I'm not on any; disappointment would have been devastating.
re: your assistant: at least you're honest that it doesn't pay much, in NYC ;-)
How does this post - interact with the one below it? Are the meds necessary? maybe you need to tweak them - any good doctor would sense that if they are becomming a problem. My hubby is Bi-polar and I am hiv + so I know alot about "pills" most of us in the rooms have opinions about drugs... and if they impact our sobriety.
I err on the side of drugs if they are life sustaining. If you are becomming addicted, then I say talk to your doc and sponsor and see how to stop and stay stopped.
If the meds you are on now aren't working, then find the mix that does work, but that takes time and a very observant partner to "watch and see with you."
It is not good to be addicted to anything in sobriety !! Smoking is my last battle of which I am currenly engaged.
that's a sober opinion of amphetamines.
dude, send me an application. I'm in need of a big change and a huge challenge... You're both... LOL
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