Thursday, August 03, 2006

Whoosh goes my memory.

I'm a Rush fan. It's true. And I'm proud of it.

I go through phases where I won't listen to Rush for a long time, and then I will. I didn't like a whole series of their albums, but with Vapor Trails, they had me back.

I just picked up R30... Rush's thirtieth anniversary concert tour double-dvd and double-CD set. It's blowing me away. Not only because these dude have been doing this for THIRTY years, and still completely rock the house (unlike a lot of other bands, which come back years later, after breaking up, with half of their people gone, or dead). Rush has been putting out music for thirty years, a lot of it really good, and some of it classic. It's still the same dudes: Geddy, Alex, and Neil.

One of the DVDs has about 10 videos from the 70's and early 80's. Great stuff. The other DVD is the R30 concert... which is just unbelievable.

I know I'm totally gorking out here. But when I hear these dudes cranking out Subdivisions, or La Villa Strangiato with such amazing chops, three decades after they started, I'm just impressed.

Anyway. I'm all tired and wonked-out from getting up at 3:30. I'm going to sleep.

Love to all. Even you, the dude on the train who was watching to see when I got up, so he could get up first and beat me to the door (you have to see this dude.. he's TENSE)... so I leaned all forward all sudden-like to see if he actually WOULD get up, and he did.


shqipo said...

Yep, Rush rock! Damn Canadians :P

Waldo said...

Good God. I thought you had lost your mind and were talking about Rush Limbaugh. (relief)

Rich | Championable said...

Waldo: Rush Limbaugh is SO far off my radar that the thought of "Rush Confusion" never even occurred to me.

Peter said...

Nice deke on the guy in the subway, that must have been fun.

Anonymous said...

Rich, have you checked out yet?
I think you'll like it there. Look for Celainn, that's me.

Al said...

yeah man! Rock on, there's another reason why you are cool!

Despite a lot of ribbing from my wife, Rush is just about always on my playlists