Friday, September 15, 2006

Bush: If you can't win, redefine.

Damn, is George Bush a poster boy for Machiavellian politics. It's only the end that matters.

Since Bush got caught violating the Geneva Conventions, he's trying to have legislation passed that will change the American "interperetation" of the Geneva Conventions. Thank goodness, two of the Republicans most military-experienced politicians are leading the rebellion: John McCain and Colin Powell.

Since Bush's war in Iraq is getting thousands of people killed, the Bush administration changed what they report as "deaths:"
The U.S. military did not count people killed by bombs, mortars, rockets or other mass attacks — including suicide bombings — when it reported a dramatic drop in the number of murders around Baghdad last month, the U.S. command said Monday. - Marine Times, 9/11/2006
Part of what makes America amazing is that we structurally (via the Constitution, etc.) accept certain levels of risk and danger for the sake of freedom. Freedom of speech can be really annoying. Due process might let some criminals get away. Not torturing prisoners might mean we don't get every available piece of information.

Being structurally honorable is what separates us. But not for long, if Bush has his way.

These are not Democratic/Republican issues, here.

Love to all. Even you, Senator Frist.


Anonymous said...

Structurally honorable. I like that. But I'm afraid you are right and that concept is quickly heading down the tubes. I am glad that McCain and Powell are letting THEIR honor drive them.

Peter said...

I keep goming back to the old saying " Be aware of zealots" These folks that make up the "Christain" right are very scary. Sometimes I think they are waging their own "jihad" and it seems as though we are powerless to stop them.
Get out and vote!

shqipo said...

Only in America (which I love...) ppl can get impeached for a blow job but nothing happens when thousands are killed, tortured, etc.

Anonymous said...


You and I are in agreement on this one with one caveat, I am concerned that, while al-Queda and Hamas and others do not follow the Geneva Conventions and are not protected by them, they may use the international legal system to have American troops branded as war criminals and then use that as a justification for their barbaric acts of terrorism. I believe that we should have treated the detainees according to the Geneva Conventions or swiftly brought them before a drumhead court martial. Unfortunately, neither has been done and that leaves the current administration is a real bind.

Rich | Championable said...

Doug, I don't see how your caveat is a caveat. The US is required to apply the Geneva Conventions to terrorism suspects, too... including Hamas, Al-Qaeda, etc.

Obviously, the scumbags who want to do us harm will call us war criminals, and use that as justification to do whatever they do. And if it's not through international law, it'll be through something else. If they didn't feel they were justified, they wouldn't do it.

Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Upon further reflexion, you are correct. It really does not matter to the terrorists whether we treat them according to the Geneva Conventions or not. By their definition, we are all criminals and infidels and their barbarism is justified.

Take Care.