Saturday, September 30, 2006

Good times, lousy bed.

The least comfortable bed in which I've slept is the one where I spent the night before my wedding. I swear, the mattress was an inverted bell curve. Seriously. Maggie stayed at her Mom's, and I stayed in this quaint-with-crappy-beds hotel with my family. I barely slept.

Happily, the second night I spent in that room was my first night as a married man... so I pretty much didn't care about the quality of the bed anymore. The company more than made up for it.

Tomorrow is 11 years that I've been married, and Maggie has put up with a LOT of crap from me. Even when I was drinking myself to death, she stuck it out. I guess she had hope. I guess she was afraid of what would happen if she left me. I guess she was hoping that she'd be able to say to me:
"You're turning back into the man I married."
And she did say that, a couple of years ago.

I've done a lot of things wrong. Some of them have been really bad. But I can honestly say that, today, I'm trying to be the best husband I can be. And with God's help, I'll try the same thing tomorrow.

11 years with me. The woman is truly to be commended.

Love to all. Even you, the people I've lost, and hope to find again.


Panthergirl said...

Happy Anniversary, you two.

shqipo said...

Does she have a twin sister?

Pennsylvania Independent said...

I am in the market for a new bed.

Anonymous said...

Rich- Eleven years is a long time. I've been married the same. You are an inspiration to everyone who strives to be a better person. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

It takes a good man to admit he has done things wrong, so I salute your honesty and congratulate you and your dear wife on your anniversary. Best wishes.

Chickie said...

Congratulations & Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Peter said...

Anonymous is me. Peter

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Btw...our anniversary is today, October 3. That's pretty close to each other, isn't it?

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Hope I'm not too late?

Happy happy anniversary, Rich - to you and the missus.

I hope to have as much when it comes time for me to settle down!