This is nuts.
My pharmacology Doc upped this Wellbutrin I'm on from 300 to 450 mgs yesterday. I took the increased dose around 10am.
I can't think straight enough to write what happened yesterday afternoon, but it involved dizziness, vertigo, fear to go out in public (which is something I never have), slurred speech, and heart palpitations...
...the last thing is the reason I'm up right now.
More later.
Love to all.
Comments seem to be back.
Funny, so am I.
Hey Rich,
I've been lurking, but I found you from a Google search on Nike+ reviews a couple months ago. Your blog is the only one I visit that isn't written by someone I know personally, yet we have similar views on nearly everything. I'm a pro-choice, pro-gay, hetero Catholic single guy, without ADHD (at least I haven't been diagnosed). I did try Wellbutrin a while ago for depression, and went off it after 2 weeks. It really messed up my sleep cycle. Also, it's not uncommon for seizures to occur, and this becomes more common as dosage increases. (I'm studying to be a pharmacist.) Be careful, man. I would choose something else.
Wow that strikes me as a lot of Wellbutrin. If I take it on an empty stomach it give me heart palpations.
Thanks, Dudes I'm certainly thinking about this.
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