Thursday, September 07, 2006


I stayed home from work this morning to escort my oldest to the 7:15 bus, and my two youngest to the 8:45 bus. This was the view from my driveway at 7:10am.

Damn, I'm lucky.

Love to all. Even you, the lady who thinks her dog knows english.


Peter said...

My dog knows english. The words he hears most are No, Sit, and Don't take that from Thomas.
That sunrise is beautiful

Anonymous said...

My dog knows english, too. At least the Border Collie does. The other two are dolts. She knows "river," "are you hungry, dogs?" and "Would you like to come outside, Casey Dog?"

That's a beautiful view. I'm a bit jealous.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't the Hudson Valley rock?

Chickie said...

My dog actually speaks English. It's quite amazing.