Today was one of those days when the kids have been irritating the shit out of me. Non-stop questions, fighting, interruptions, etc. Sometimes, my irritation surfaces slowly, sometimes quickly... sometimes I say: "Can you leave me alone for FIVE MINUTES?"
Sigh. Nice guy, me.
Just a minute ago, my oldest was asking me his tenth question in five minutes, and I thought to myself "Jesus, kid, will you just SHUT UP?" But outwardly, I listened to and answered his question politely. Because it hit me: He can't HEAR my thoughts... so even if he's irritatng the crap out of me (as long as its benign) I can get irritated on the inside while pretending not to be on the outside.
It's an improvement.
I realize that the goal would be to not be irritated, but in the meantime, I'll take it.
Love to all. Even you, the angry bald guy in idling in the handicapped spot.
Must be something in the air. My kids had my nerves so raw by bed time that I was not putting up with any nonsense. Poorkids, poor me.
My wife has been blogging. That was unexpected, the comment above is me logged in as her, who knew.
I find myself thinking the exact same thing when the kids are making me want to bang my head against a wall.
My kids are driving me nuts too, I agree, it must be something in the air. Or maybe it's just because it's back to school time. Who knows.
Aren't you glad they can't read your thoughts? Reminds me of the saying "smile, it'll make others wonder what you are really thinking"
I struggle at times to maintain a thin veneer of calm. Sometimes, cracks appear in the veneer, but that my friend, is life.
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